St. George Raspberry Negroni


I was looking through the liquor store and I found that St. George has both raspberry brandy and raspberry liqueur. If it’s not clear, I love raspberries. The raspberry brandy has much more of a kick than my favorite trashy Polish blackberry brandy, so it worked well as the gin replacement. I found the St. George Raspberry Liqueur to have a bit of tartness that the Mathilde is missing, so, as a standalone, I prefer it. Combine them all together (because I’m a total monster) and I got something that I found to be fairly tasty but that my husband though smelled awful πŸ˜‚

1 oz St. George Raspberry Brandy
1 oz Bruto Americano
1 oz St. George Raspberry Liqueur


Tucci with Balsamic


Bruto Negroni