

Sweet Vermouth


My first cocktail love was a Martini. Except I didn’t generally add vermouth, so it was basically iced gin in a glass maybe with some olives (but no olive juice). At some point in my late 20s, I was introduced to Negronis. It was a weird experience and also love at first drink. Since then, I’ve ordered a negroni at almost every bar I go to, celebrate Negroni Week every year, and experiment at home.

While quarantined at home during the COVID-19 Pandemic, I was drinking a bit more than usual and decided to actually start a blog about all the Negronis I make at home and have at various bars. The name Trash Negroni alludes to the fact that I sub some really trashy things in for vermouth and I am not ashamed of it. However, most of them turn out quite well, but I’ll also be posting here when it doesn’t.