Molé Negroni


I cannot wait until I get some decent vermouth. Sorry, Spatola, but you are indeed a cheap vermouth. Acceptable in a pinch, but not great. My aunt who loves Cinzano would love you. Anyway, the overwhelming sweetness of Spatola Sweet Vermouth worked well today because I used mezcal (Del Maguey Vida is 💯) and it was smokey enough to overcome it. I decided to make a molé Negoni with some smoke (mezcal) and chocolate (Taza Chocolate Mexicano Extract). If I was to do this again, I would probably add way more of the chocolate extract and amp that part of the flavor up.

1 oz Mezcal
1 oz Campari
1 oz Sweet Vermouth
1 dropper full of Taza Chocolate Mexicano Extract


Szechuan Negronino


Martini #1