Kingston Spice Negroni


My husband is a huge fan of tiki. I can’t have lime or more than a ½ oz of lemon juice so I am… not. However, this means we have a large rum selection. I’m generally not a huge fan of Kingston Negronis (rum + sweet vermouth is just too much sweet). However, we have this Snap Liquor from Art in the Age that is both potent and spicy, so I thought it might work. And it really did! This was sweet, spicy, and bitter all at the same time. I think it actually got the essence of what I think a Kingston Negroni should be.

1 oz Appleton Estate Reserve Blend Jamaican Rum
1 oz Campari
1 oz (ginger) Snap
3 dashes Bittermens Elemakule Tiki Bitters


Spicy Island Negroni


Wigle Negroni